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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    Perspectives: NEJ 2016

    Upper New York goes to Jurisdictional Conference

    July 25, 2016 / By Rev. Cathy Hall Stengel

    In June, the UNY Annual Conference endorsed two candidates for the position of Bishop in the United Methodist Church.  I was honored to be one of those two. I feel that I can speak confidently that we both felt affirmed and encouraged by the endorsement of our colleagues in the delegation and the annual conference.  Thank you.

    Monday night, July 13, all of the endorsed candidates gathered for prayer, conversation, anointing and stoling (green quilted stoles were placed around our necks by Bishop Violet Fisher).  In that intimate service, led by Bishop May, Bishop Lyght, Bishop Yeakel, and Bishop Fisher – we were called and claimed as gifted.  We were anointed as precious in the sight of God and our peers.  We were invited to guard our hearts, guard our dignity, to not be ornery or negative, to show our love for Jesus Christ and the United Methodist Church.  It was a sacred time.  It was a time for laughter and the opportunity to hear the hearts of these retired bishops.

    Tuesday the eleven endorsed candidates walked through eight interviews, each lasting approximately 40 minutes. We offered ourselves, our hearts, our gifts, our hopes from 8:45 am until 9:45 pm.  What a day. I experienced it as full of life, full of care and concern for this church called United Methodist. We laughed together; we prayed together (often); and these faithful delegates listened over and over….all day.  I don’t believe I have ever felt as affirmed as in these hours.  Each interview team had someone from Upper New York – so there were familiar faces in each room.

    Neither [Rev.] Beckie [Sweet] nor I were elected.  The church spoke loudly into the world in which we live.  We have elected two gifted and called Elders into the office of Bishop.  Their gifts shined for all to see as they accepted the pin, the purple stole, and the new nametag.  It’s truly a Holy Spirit moment when someone is elected to the episcopacy.  God was truly glorified. We declared that we will not only speak against racism, we will empower all to serve this church at a time when resurrection and hope are desperately needed.

     Upper New York – I want you to know that the jurisdiction welcomed and affirmed the two women you endorsed.  The jurisdiction experienced the care and intentionality of the delegation you elected.  Thank you for your confidence, your trust, your attention to what was happening, your messages of care and encouragement.  Let us continue to live into the call that God has placed on ALL of our lives to serve without reservation, take risks, speak honestly with love and compassion, and make ourselves available for the work of the Holy Spirit.

    Peace and grace!

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    With more than 100,000 members, United Methodists of Upper New York comprises of more than 675 local churches and New Faith Communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."