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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news article

    Special session of Annual Conference announced for Sept. 6 and 7, 2014

    July 22, 2014 / By UNY Communications / .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

    Aug. 29, 2014 Update: special Session (Sept. 6 & 7) indefinitely postponed

    Upper New York Resident Bishop Mark J. Webb has announced the postponement of the special session of the Upper New York Annual Conference at all three locations. The special session was originally scheduled for Sept. 6 and 7 at Rush UMC, Liverpool UMC and Saratoga Springs UMC.

    Negotiations between the Conference Board of Trustees and the seller of the proposed building at 7481 Henry Clay Blvd. in Liverpool reached an unexpected and unbridgeable impasse, making the holding of the special session imprudent at this time. The Conference Trustees will continue negotiations and the search for suitable long-term facilities to house the Conference offices and will keep members of the Annual Conference informed of the progress. A new special session will be called when appropriate. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this postponement, but believe we are honoring the time of Conference members and the integrity of the conversation.

    Upper New York Area Resident Bishop Mark J. Webb has announced that a special session of the Annual Conference will be held in three locations over two days on Sept. 6 and Sept. 7, 2014 to make a recommendation to the Conference Trustees about the potential purchase of a property located at 7481 Henry Clay Blvd. in Liverpool to serve as the Conference Center for the Upper New York Conference. 

    A task force has recommended this building at 7481 Henry Clay Blvd. in Liverpool as the site of a new Conference Center. A special Session of the Annual Conference will take place Sept. 6-7, 2014 to consider the matter. See more photos. Photo by Steve Hustedt.

    The building would be the long-term home for the Episcopal and Conference offices, which have been in temporary offices since the Conference came together in 2010.

    The Liverpool property was identified by a task force responsible for determining a long-term plan for a Conference Center, and was selected over many other potential properties in the Syracuse area.

    “Special thanks goes to University UMC, Cicero UMC and Baldwinsville UMC for providing temporary office space for our Conference staff and the Episcopal Office,” said Bishop Webb. “Their hospitality and generosity has been greatly appreciated, but the task force that is responsible for the long-term plan to house our Conference’s resources and offices believes the time has come to pursue a long-term solution.”

    The task force is making the recommendation to the Conference Board of Trustees at this time because they feel that the building they have identified meets all the needs, will allow for new mission opportunities, and is available for a very good price.

    To make it as easy as possible for voting members of the Annual Conference to participate in the special session, the Conference will gather over two days at three different sites.  

    The locations and times are:

    • 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept. 6, at Rush UMC
    • 3-5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 6, at Liverpool UMC
    • 3-5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 7, at Saratoga Springs UMC

    “We know that this will be a busy time of year, but this is an important step in our future together as the Upper New York Conference, so we are bringing this special session of Annual Conference to as many of our members as possible instead of asking everyone to come to Syracuse,” Bishop Webb said. “Our hope is that the format we’ve chosen for the special session will allow as many people as possible to participate.”

    The special session is being called in accordance with Paragraph 603.5 of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, and will consider only the matter of the recommendation on the property.

    “Our new Conference has successfully liquidated most of the building assets of the predecessor conferences and is now in a strong position to situate itself in a new, permanent, accessible location designed to serve its mission in UNY and beyond,” said the Rev. Dr. Wendy Deichmann, Conference Trustee and chair of the task force.

     “As we are still beginning new life as an Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, it is essential that we position ourselves to maximize effective ministry and mission opportunities," said Dr. Deichmann. "The Upper New York Conference Center must be a place that belongs to – and is accessible to – all our congregations and members, and provides appropriate resources for our bishop, Cabinet, staff, and volunteers to perform their respective missions.  Its focus upon ministry and mission must be clear and facilitated by its setting and built environment.”

    The recommendation results from two years of study and research. The full report from the task force will be available the week of Aug. 18 as part of the pre-conference materials. Notification will be sent out through Conference communications channels when the report is available.

    “The fact that we have come to this place as a Conference should be celebrated,” said Bishop Webb.  “I am thankful for the many gifted individuals who have invested much time and energy to assist us in arriving at this moment. I encourage you to be in prayer as we prepare to act on this important recommendation.” 

    With more than 100,000 members, United Methodists of Upper New York comprises of more than 675 local churches and New Faith Communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."