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    United Methodists of Upper New YorkLiving the Gospel. Being God's Love.

    news article

    Report, testimonials affirm work of UNY delegation to 2019 General Conference Special Session

    June 6, 2019 / By Kathleen Christiansen

    The Rev. Dr. Bill Allen, pastor at the Bemus Point United Methodist Church, delivered the Delegation Report on Wednesday during the 2019 Upper New York Annual Conference session.

    Rev. Allen served as the Head of the Delegation from the UNY Conference to the 2019 Special Session of General Conference, held in February in St. Louis.

    “I know that every person who served on our delegation felt a deep gratitude to all of you for placing in us your trust and confidence to go the General Conference and do our best to discern God’s will for the United Methodist Church,” he said. “Thank you for this opportunity to serve.”

    Rev. Allen detailed the process of preparation for GC2019, which involved six clergy, six laity and two reserve lay delegates as well as several meetings – including ones with Upper New York Area Resident Bishop Mark J. Webb and Dr. Scott Johnson, who served as the UNY representative on the Commission on a Way Forward.

    “And let me add that in every single one of our meetings, we prioritized, and practiced fervent prayer for God’s will to be done,” Rev. Allen said.

    After describing the “challenging” General Conference that only dealt with questions surrounding human sexuality, he invited three delegates to share their experiences.

    The Rev. Beckie Sweet, pastor at the Kenmore UMC, shared how a prayer rug gifted to her by the United Methodist Women served as a source of comfort throughout GC2019.

    “It was my constant companion in the weeks of preparation for and at the sessions of the 2019 Special Session of General Conference,” she said. “I prayed fervently for the delegates, staff, leaders, and observers meeting in St. Louis in February.

    “My prayers were focused on finding a pathway to a truly ‘United’ Methodist Church, where all persons are offered the fullness of Christ’s love and the richness of the Church’s ministry.”

    Marthalyn Sweet, a lay delegate from the Gouverneur First UMC in the Northern Flow District, took a moment to thank the Conference for entrusting her with responsibility of serving in that role.

    “Holy conferencing: fun to say, hard to do,” Marthalyn said. “ … I found the holy of that conferencing in people rather than the process. From our own delegates, those from around the country, and all those who made the journey to bear witness and support us all; the people gathered in Saint Louis brought God into that space.”

    Ian Urriola, a lay delegate from the Asbury First UMC in the Genesee Valley District, expressed his gratitude for all of the UNY Conference’s prayers.

    “Between members of our Cabinet smuggling us in contraband coffee during proceedings to surprise notes and text messages received throughout the session, the love from our Annual Conference was palpable,” Ian said.

    He also thanked the laity for allowing him to serve as a delegate.

    “It was not a responsibility I took lightly, and I pray that I and the rest of our delegation conducted ourselves in such a way that would make you all proud,” he said. “I know that I, for one, was incredibly proud of the ways the rest of our delegation served.” 

    Rev. Allen closed the report by affirming the work of the UNY delegation. Each member prepared thoroughly by reading important material ahead of time, listening to multiple opinions, and attending every worship service, discussion, and vote. But above all, everyone went out of their way to treat fellow delegates with respect, he said.

    “Yes, we were passionate,” Rev. Allen said. “Yes, we cared deeply about our various beliefs. Yes, we challenged each other in meaningful and reflective conversations.

    “And in the midst of all that, we cared enough to tell each other that we loved each other, that we desired good for each other, and that we wanted relationship with everyone.”

    TAGGED / Annual Conference 2019

    With more than 100,000 members, United Methodists of Upper New York comprises of more than 675 local churches and New Faith Communities in 12 districts, covering 48,000 square miles in 49 of the 62 counties in New York state. Our vision is to “live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God’s love with our neighbors in all places."